Polity E-Book

Time is Running Out! Prelims Exam is Approaching!

Exam Date: 26th May 2024


Grab Your Notes Now! Prices Are Going To Increase Soon!

Frequently Asked Questions

We have answered all common questions below that you might have about the Polity E-book. For any further queries, please contact: decodepedia37@gmail.com

You will get interactive and comprehensive notes to ace the Polity and Governance section of Prelims Exam. 

The notes would be in PDF form. However, you will be able to print the notes once you purchase them.

Do not Worry. You just need to email us the Payment Proof at decodepedia37@gmail.com and we will revert you within 24 hours.

If you cover these notes comprehensively word by word, you would be able to solve 8-9 questions of Polity easily.