Scared of Environment Section of UPSC Prelims??

Environment is always a cause of worry for majority of UPSC aspirants. This is mainly due to its dynamic nature. Every now and then, some update keeps on happening in this arena and these updates mostly gets unnoticed by the UPSC aspirants. We also know that aspirants cannot track each and every update in this section because of scarcity of time. So, We present this Environment E-Book which makes your learning process interactive and easy. Happy Learning!

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"Environment E-Book"

Time is Running Out! Prelims Exam is Approaching!

Exam Date: 26th May 2024


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Frequently Asked Questions

We have answered all common questions below that you might have about the Environment E-book. For any further queries, please contact:

You will get interactive and comprehensive notes to ace the Environment section of Prelims Exam. 

The notes would be in PDF form. However, you will be able to print the notes once you purchase them.

Do not Worry. You just need to email us the Payment Proof at and we will revert you within 24 hours.

Presently, It covers Current Affairs till April 2023. However, you would receive latest updates we make in the books from time to time

If you cover these notes comprehensively word by word, you would be able to solve 8-9 questions of environment easily.