Tantia Tope

Tatia Tope

In this article, we will try to learn about who Tatia Tope was? Was he a freedom fighter? What is his contribution in the India’s freedom struggle? How he died? How he helped Rani Laxmibai?

Table of Contents

Tatya Tope and jhansi ki rani

Early Life of Tantia Tope

The real name of Tatia Tope was Ramachandra Pandurang. He was born to Pandurang Rao Tope and Rukhmabai in 1814 in Nasik, Maharashtra. He was a brahmin by birth.

His father was a noble in the court of Maratha Peshwa Baji Rao II. Here Tope came in contact with Baji Rao’s adopted son Nana Saheb and they became close friends. Later they became associates in the Revolt of 1857.

Role of Tatya Tope in 1857 Rebellion

Lord Dalhousie, then Governor General of India, had refused to pay pension to Nana Saheb. So, after the rebellion in Kanpur on 5th June 1857, Nana Saheb became the leader of rebels. When British surrendered in Kanpur, Nana Saheb declared himself as the Peshwa. Nana Saheb, along with Tatya Tope, defeated Britishers 2 times but was defeated in the third battle

After this, Tope fled to take shelter from Rani of Jhansi, while supporting her as well. Together with Rani Laxmibai, they took control of Gwalior Fprt declaring Hindavi Swaraj under the name of Nana Saheb Peshwa from Gwalior.

Tatya Tope freedom fighter

After some time, they lose Gwalior to British and Tatya Tope had to fled to the Rajputana while Rani Laxmibai died while fighting the British. In Rajputana, he was able to induce the army of Tonk and Bhil Tribe to join him against the British. But he failed here too. Till April 1859, British forces followed him but he still outsmarted them.

Tatya Tope

How did Tatya Tope died?

Tatya Tope was betrayed by his trusted friend Raja Man Singh and was defeated by General Napier’s British Indian Troops.Later on he fought with the British and finally lost. He was tried in a court and on April 18, 1859, he was executed by the British Government at Shivpuri.


Tatya Tope was a great leader in the Revolt of 1857. He travelled all across North India to gather army to fight against British. He supported Nana Saheb and Rani Laxmibai against their struggle with Britishers.

Tatya Tope’s friend Man Singh betrayed him by handing him over to the British. After a trial in a military court, he was hanged by the Britishers on April 18, 1859.

Tatya Tope was born on 16 February 1814 to Pandurang Rao Tope and Rukhmabai.

The real name of Tatya Tope was Ramchandra Pandurang.

Tatya Tope, along with Nana Saheb, led the revolt of 1857 in Kanpur

Tatia Tope means commanding officer. He got this name from his friend Nana Saheb. His original and real name was Ramachandra Pandurang

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