Gupta Empire

Table of Contents

Gupta Empire is a very important topic from UPSC perspective and questions are coming regularly from this topic in the past. This article summarizes everything you must know about Gupta Empire from UPSC perspective.

What is the timeline of Gupta Empire?

Gupta Empire ruled almost the entire Indian subcontinent from 320 AD to 550 AD. The Gupta period is marked by various economic developments, important literary developments, administrative developments, etc.

Who are the famous rulers of Gupta Empire?

  1. Chandragupta I – He was the founder of Gupta Empire. His reign started during 320 AD when Gupta calender officially started
  2. Samudragupta – He expanded the territorial extent of India to almost whole of India. He give patronage to Buddhist scholars like Vasubandhu and Asanga. Harishena was his famous court poet who also wrote the Allahabad inscription.
  3. Chandragupta II – He married his daughter Prabhavatigupta with the Vakatak king Rudrasena II. He conquered Gujarat from Western India Shakas. Fa Hien, a famous Chinese traveller, visited India from China. His court also had nine gems including some famous ones like Kalidasa.
  4. Kumargupta – He was the founder of Nalanda University. Threat of Hunas started during his time in the North West India.
  5. Skandagupta – Huna Invasion became aggresive during his time. Gupta Empire started showing signs of disintegration.

What were the important literary developments during Gupta rule?

  1. Kalidasa – Kumarsambhavam, Ritusamhara, Malvikaagnimitram, Vikramorvasiya, Meghadutta, etc.
  2. Vishakadutta – Mudrarakshasha and Devi Chandraguptam
  3. Sudraka – Mrichhatkatika
  4. Bharavi – Kritarjuniya
  5. Dandin – Kavyadassa and Dasakumarcharita
  6. Subandhu – Vasavadatta
  7. Vishnu Sharma – Panchtantra stories
  8. Amarsimha – Amarkosha
  9. Aryabhatta – Aryabhattiya
  10. Vagbhatta – Asthanga Samhita

Who were the nine gems of Chandragupta II?

  1. Kalidasa (Writer)
  2. Amarnath (Sanksrit Lexicon)
  3. Shapanaka (Astrologist)
  4. Dhanvantri (Doctor)
  5. Varuchhi (Expert in Grammar)
  6. Varahamihira (Astrology)
  7. Ghatakpara (Expert in architecture)
  8. Shanku (Expert in Geography)
  9. Vetalabhadra (Black magic and tantric sciences)

Which Kingdoms came after the fall of Gupta Empire?

  1. Late Guptas of Patliputra
  2. Pushyabhutis of Thanesar
  3. Maukharies of Kannauj
  4. Maitrakas of Vallabhi
  5. Yashodharma of Malwa
Chandragupta I, Samudragupta, Chandragupta II, Kumargupta, Skandagupta

Kumarsambhavam, Ritusamhara, Malvikaagnimitram, Vikramorvasiya, Meghadutta, etc.

Late Guptas, Pushyabhutis, Maukharies, Yashodharma, etc.