Bhagat Singh

Bhagat Singh

Table of Contents

Who was Bhagat Singh?

Bhagat Singh was the famous 23 year old Indian Revolutionary who was hanged by the Britishers for Saunder’s murder, threwing bomb in the Central Legislative Assembly.

Where did Bhagat Singh born?

Bhagat Singh was born on September 27 1907 in Lyallpur, Punjab, Pakistan.

What did Bhagat Singh do?

  1. Bhagat Singh was a member of Hindustan Republican Army, later renamed as Hindustan Social Republic Association (HSRA).
  2. While protesting the Simon Commission report, SP Scott led a lathi charge on in which Lala Lajpat Rai died. To take revenge of his death, Bhagat Singh shot dead Saunders mistakenly, instead of Scott
  3. In April 1929, Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt threw a bomb in the Central Legislative Council and Trade Disputes Bill. After this, they voluntarily surrendered themselves to the British officers so that entire nation could hear their message.
  4. Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru were tried in Lahore conspiracy case for Saunder’s murder and later hanged by the British.

What books were written by Bhagat Singh?

Bhagat Singh was very fond of reading books. Even before he was about to be hanged, he was reading a book. While in Jail, he also wrote a pamphlet called “Why am i an atheist?”

Bhagat Singh Vs Subhash Chandra Bose

Both Singh and Bose were revolutionaries but their methods were different. Bhagat Singh wanted to make the deaf hear by threwing a bomb in the Central Legislative Council. While Subhash Chandra Bose was a diplomatic revolutionary. He conspired with Hitler and Japan to establish Indian National Army in Singapore to free India from Britishers. Irrespective of their methods, bot were great freedom fighters.

Bhagat Singh Vs Mahatma Gandhi

The approach of both of them was poles apart. While Gandhi believed in Satyagraha, non violence, peace and ahimsa, Bhagat Singh was opposite. He believed only violence and an armed revolution can make India independednt. Despite their ideological differences, both of them respected each other’s way of struggle. Gandhi even tried to get Bhagat Singh released by talking to Viceroy Lord Irwin.

Bhagat Singh Vs Chandra Shekhar Azad

Both of them were members of Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA). Therefore, their ideologies were same. While Bhagat Singh was hanged by the Britishers in the Lahore Jail for Saunder’s murder, Chandrashekhar Azad shot himself dead in the Alfred Park.

Was Bhagat Singh a terrorist or freedom fighter?

Although European historians believed that Bhagat Singh was a terrorist and a threat to humanity, Indian Historians have an opposite view. He was 100% a freedom fighter. Though he threw a bomb in the Legislative Council but the bomb was deliberately made harmless. Moreover he surrendered himself to the police just to show his love for his nation. Hence, we can not call him a terrorist. He was a revolutionary hero of India’s freedom struggle.

Lyallpur, Punjab, Pakistan

Yes, Bhagat Singh is an Indian hero. He was a freedom fighter. Though European Historians call him a terrorist but he never did anything to harm the innocent.Even the bomb he threw in the Legislative Council was made harmless.

Saunder’s Murder and Throwing bomb in the Central Legislative Council were the grounds on which Bhagat Singh was convicted.

Bhagat Singh along with Rajguru and Sukdev was hanged at a young age of 23 years in the Lahore Jail 

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